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miracle man of
Chicago real estate

SIDNEY friedman


You've seen him on THE VIEW, the TODAY SHOW and here in Chicago on WGN MORNING NEWS, wowing audiences with his mentalist mind power feats, but a few people also know back in the day SIDNEY FRIEDMAN was a star Chicago real estate broker. 

They also know he still takes on a few (seven clients each year) to help purchase or sell their property. That's it. Just seven, for maximum personal attention.

And of course, he EXECUTES EVERY ASPECT OF THE TRANSACTION with miraculous results for you-you-you. 

Making Your Transaction Shine


SIDNEY  friedman 

miracle  man  of  real  estate


RECENTLY SOLD  — October, 2024

794 Greenwood Ave, Glencoe, IL




1800 W Roscoe St, Loft #531, Chicago, IL


call / text / email



SOLD — May, 2021

1754 N Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL





  • SIDNEY SAYS: "There are several factors to induce a successful sale. One key element is regardless of its size, finishes, price-point or neighborhood, keep in mind selling a home is like online dating. ...... It's about the pictures (and video). Your marketing MUST have immediate interest, and this immediate attraction is 75% about the pictures-pictures-pictures." 

  • Thus, SIDNEY SAYS: "It's about traffic. ...... The more fish you lure to your sea of potential buyers, the more opportunity for one (or more) of those fish to bite."

  • SIDNEY SAYS: "Like a work of art, your real estate has no value. ...... Huh? Yep, your home is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. ...... And like a Monet painting at auction, most often, a buyer will pay what the comparable market data says. If your agent is competent, they will deeply research and show you the data for how your home will be valued in the current market." 

  • SIDNEY SAYS: "He who represents himself, has a fool for a client "

  • SIDNEY ALSO SAYS: "And he who does not have the right agent, has a fool for a representative. ...... So ALWAYS have an agent, and ALWAYS secure the right agent. They will earn what they are paid, and moreover, you will earn far more from the sale than you would have otherwise." 



  • SIDNEY SAYS: "Buying decisions are most often made with emotion first, then justified with logic later. Yes, we all do it. There's an immediate visceral reaction of attraction to a space which supersedes all the other spaces you've toured, and often it can blur out better reasoning. But instead, try to balance the great feeling with the practicality, functionality and future usability. Then, and only then will your purchase end up a happy purchase, not just in the beginning, but for many years into the future."

  • SIDNEY SAYS: "Have a list of must-haves along with a list of things you desire but can do without. Few of us have unlimited financial resources, so if we can purchase 85% of what we're seeking, then it's a win."

  • SIDNEY SAYS: "There are four things in life which bring us contentment our relationships, our work, our health, and the space in which we live. A truly caring, competent real estate agent knows this, and while the agent can only help with the latter, having the the right place to call your home will help with the other three."

  • SIDNEY SAYS: "If it takes 75 places to find THE place, or just a couple, what matters is purchasing the right place. This isn't a coat you buy on AMAZON which you can immediately return. Patience is a virtue. Take time, enjoy the process, learn each step of the way. And then, you will discover a lot about yourself and what truly matters in your existence and journey."

  • SIDNEY SAYS: "So, in the end, YOU make the house more than the house makes you!"  


SOLD — November, 2021

2614 N Clybourn St, #202, Chicago, IL



SIDNEY helped his buyer purchase this home 

in 2016 for $765,000,

and then sold in 2023 for $1.8 million.

244 Laurel Ave, Wilmette, IL


  • receive SIDNEY's intuitive knack combined with data, 24 years experience, negotiation expertise, and full attention like you are family

  • obtain the backup resources of his superior marketing team at DREAM TOWN REAL ESTATE

  • have the confidence SIDNEY is here only for you and your success, above all else

  • get miraculous results

    Hey, it's all about you. :)


Benefit from the

experience, foresight and insight

of licensed agent SIDNEY friedman

when selling or purchasing real estate

in Chicago and suburbs.  


Limit of 7 clients each year.

No limit to SIDNEY's attention

with every detail of your transaction. 

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